Minicurso "Introduction to Curve Shortening Flow".

En el salón de seminarios del IMERL

El lunes 29 comienza el minicurso sobre Curve Shortening Flow por Theodora Bourni (University of Tennessee Knoxville).

Serán cuatros charlas, los días Lunes 29 de agosto, Miércoles 31 de agosto, Lunes 5 de Septiembre y Miércoles 7 de Septiembre en el horario de 16:00 a 18:00 en el salón de seminarios del IMERL.

El minicursos fue aprobado por la CP con dos créditos para el posgrado (recordar que un seminario son 4 créditos y un curso 12). Se aprueba con una entrega de problemas. Los/las interesados/as en acreditarlo comunicarse con Martín Reires (


In this series of talks we will introduce curve shortening flow, which is the one dimensional case of the more general mean curvature flow. We will start with a brief introduction in the geometry of curves and set useful notation. We will then define curve shortening flow, discuss its applications and proceed with a number of geometric properties of the flow, including sketches of proofs. At the end of the course we will introduce the notion of ancient solutions which are solutions that model singularities of the flow and as such are vital in the study of the field. The end goal is to present some classification theorems of such solutions. Finally, if time allows, we will briefly touch on the higher dimensional case and the ancient solutions of mean curvature flow.