Quantum 19 colloquium of algebras and representations

Celebrating the 70th anniversary of Walter Ferrer.


The series Quantum of colloquiums aims to promote exchange and collaboration in current topics, especially those related to tensor categories, Hopf algebras, quantum groups and representation theory of Lie groups and algebras in general. Moreover, it is also meant to be a space for training and learning of new theories, techniques and tools.

Quantum 19 is the fist of the series to be held in Uruguay. In this instance, the usual colloquium themes will be expanded to include algebraic groups.






Marcelo Aguiar (Cornell University)
Michel Brion (Université de Grenoble)
Alain Bruguieres (Université de Montpellier)
Pedro Luis del Ángel (CIMAT, Guanajuato)
Bojana Femic (Universidad de la República)
Gerardo González-Sprinberg
André Leroy (Université d'Artois)
Andy Magid (University of Oklahoma)
Alexandre Miquel (Universidad de la República)
Sonia Natale (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)
Antonio Montalbán (University of California, Berkeley)
Antonio Paques (Universidade Federal de Porto Alegre)
Iván Shestakov (Universidade de São Paulo)
Blas Torrecillas (Universidad de Almería)
Mariano Suárez-Álvarez (Universidad de Buenos Aires)



Mariana Haim (Universidad de la República)
Ignacio López Franco (Universidad de la República)
Álvaro Ritattore (Universidad de la República)


There is no registration fee. Deadline for registration is February 10th, 2019.

For more information, registration and financial support, please visit
the website of the school.

Quantum 19 colloquium of algebras and representations


04/03/2019 a 08/04/2019


Facultad de Ingeniería (UdelaR), Montevideo, Uruguay